
REVIEW: Incredible Polo - AGES

Will Shenton

Say what you will about the French, but few countries have done more to elevate the myriad genres of electronic music. AGES, the newest EP from Nancy-based Incredible Polo (aka Paul Malburet) and latest addition to the pantheon of fantastic French synthpop, is a record that has burst onto the scene with funky aplomb to spare.

Despite consisting of only a (heartbreakingly) meager five songs, AGES stands out for its seemingly limitless replayability. If the last month has been any indication, it has the substance and staying power of a much longer album. Each track is different enough to stave off boredom, but there’s an internal consistency that’s rare on EPs; to pull that off in less than half an hour indicates some pretty impressive songwriting chops.

But perhaps more importantly, Incredible Polo is catchy as hell. “Ages” and “Veda” stand out as probably the most danceable tunes, but the rest are earworms in their own ways as well. Malburet’s falsetto is surprisingly versatile, ranging from disco-esque to beachy dream pop, and helps to build a unique atmosphere for each song.

Normally, I find myself ending EP reviews with a caveat about the release’s length. “It’s great, but I’m looking forward to seeing what they can do on a full-length,” or something along those lines. That’s not the case here. AGES stands on its own as a solid album, and while the price is a little steep ($7), I think you’ll find after a listen or two that this is one you want to take home.