Peace Be Still

PREMIERE: Peace Be Still - Hoaxer

Will Shenton

Though it's only 15 seconds long, the intro to Peace Be Still's latest EP, Hoaxer, says a lot about the album to come. Nigh-indistinguishable from some kind of Andrés Segovia classical guitar bit, "Intro in E Major" initially seems like a strange opener for a post-punk group that howl as much as they sing—but when coupled with the closing instrumental track, "Romantic Dying," it reveals that behind the lo-fi aesthetic is a band very much concerned with precise, intricate songwriting.

That said, Peace Be Still are anything but stuffy or academic. "Intro in E Major" quickly gives way to "Part I: Softy," a track that channels the best of slacker alternative and sounds like it could've been ripped from a Sebadoh record. "Part II: Jay Masquez" follows suit, while "Part III: Flutter" is a much more pared-down song, featuring a single distorted guitar and the lead vocalist's desperate, agonized shouts.

The classically-influenced, three-part structure is a compelling take on a genre that usually prides itself on being haphazard, and it forces the listener to view the EP as a thoughtful, deliberate piece. Hoaxer may be short (the longest track is barely over two minutes), but it resonates well beyond its runtime.