PREMIERE: Special Solace - It's New / Songwriter

Will Shenton

There's a relaxed assurance to Special Solace's new singles, "It's New" and "Songwriter." Montreal-based Cedric Noel, the artist behind the project, manages to cultivate a tranquil warmth on both, and builds from that foundation in two distinctly satisfying directions.

"It's New" is the more upbeat of the two, asserting its grooves right out of the gate. As Noel sings "I never thought that I could love you," the alternately danceable and cloud-parting instrumentals capture the giddy awe of unexpected romance. The hooks are artful and subtle, and it's a track that takes its time when it needs to.

"Songwriter," the second half of the split, is somewhat more off-kilter and reticent. Where "It's New" is decisive, these instrumentals feel uncertain. The synths are mesmerizing in their unresolved loops, and while Noel's vocals seem to exist in the middle distance on both tracks, here they feel more amorphous, almost ethereal.

"Songwriter" is a necessary corollary, and one that speaks to an exciting range in Special Solace's work. Here's looking forward to more of it very soon.