At Intermission

PREMIERE: Fielder - At Intermission

Laura Kerry

An intermission is a pause or an interlude outside of the regular flow of time. For the members of Fielder—formerly known as Dawkins—creating music is a kind of intermission from the normal fabric of life. The band started playing together in high school in Bethesda, Maryland, and since scattering to various schools across the country, they have continued to collaborate through the internet and over breaks, writing and sharing at intervals. Their first release from this long-distance effort is an EP simply titled Ep1.

“At Intermission,” a track off the debut, serves both as a welcoming introduction to the band and as the interlude that its title promises. Sparkling and ambient, the song radiates with warmth from its ethereal balance of electronic and acoustic voices. With keys and strings that cascade like water, percussive blips that chirp like birds or insects, and hymn-like vocals that ooze and echo across the audioscape, “At Intermission” feels like a lush and temperate organic space far removed from the winter we’re now inhabiting. Take a break from the regular flow of your day to take a listen.